Tuesday 5 April 2016


Practicing Mindfulness on #CalmDay

1 in 4 people will experience a mental health issue in the UK each year, and even if you're not one of those people, stress is something that everyone encounters every single day.

You've probably seen the word 'mindfulness' popping up a lot lately; in articles, on social media, in conversations with friends and colleagues. It's supposed to be a way of calming and quieting the mind and focusing on the here and now rather than stressing about what's to come. But how often do you actually practice mindfulness?

In today's hectic, constantly switched-on world we want to be able to do everything, be everywhere and Instagram and Snapchat our way through it all, and practising mindfulness becomes just another thing that's added to our never-ending to-do list.

Yesterday I received this lovely little 'Keep Calm' care package from Penguin Random House to celebrate #calmday in honour of Calm by Michael Acton Smith. Calm is all about bringing mindfulness to the masses and showing how everyone can achieve calmn in everyday life, no matter how hectic it gets.

Calm is a mixture of Wreck This Journal, a coffee table book and pure brilliance. It's designed to help you learn about and practice mindfulness in a fun and creative way. Calm is definitely one of the most beautiful books I've ever owned, it's filled to the brim with creative design, gorgeous typography and stunning photographs.

What I love about Calm is that it's designed to be read in a non-linear format. You can pick it up and flick to any of the pages to learn a little about meditation, do a mindful activity or get some creative inspiration. It's perfect to sit down with for just five minutes to bring a little calm to your day.

As someone who is managing a variety of mental illnesses as well as ME, mindfulness is something that is helping me every single day. I practise it to manage pain and fatigue and to quiet my anxious mind. Like any skill or sport, mindfulness is something that needs to be practised and honed in order to make a positive impact on your life. Calm is a wonderfully easy and enjoyable way to fit this in to daily life and I really think it's going to help me on my mindfulness journey.

What do you do to keep calm? Comment below or tweet using #calmday to share your calm experiences.

*I received this book for free from Penguin Random House in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.*

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