Thursday 19 January 2017


This time last year I posted about my 2015 reading statistics, where I looked back on a year of reading to try and measure the diversity of the books I'd been picking up. This year I've done the same again except this time it didn't take me 7386746 hours because I'd been tracking it throughout 2016 in my bullet journal. So here's my year in books for 2016, all wrapped up in a pretty infographic:

If you take a look at my 2015 year in books you'll notice that I didn't read as many books last year but I think my reading was a little more diverse. As usual I read a lot more female than male authors without making a conscious effort to do so, but I have absolutely no problem with it! I read a lot less middle-grade books last year than in 2015 which is a shame but at least there's a nice balance between adult and YA. I think I'm going to try and make an effort to pick up more middle-grade this year though.

My top two MG/YA genres (fantasy and contemporary) are the same as 2015 but my tastes have clearly changed when it comes to adult fiction. In 2015 my top two genres were classics and contemporary whereas in 2016 I read mostly non-fiction and graphic novels. I put this mostly down to binge-reading Saga last year but my preference for non-fiction has continued into 2017.

One thing I'm a bit disappointed in is the lack of classics I read last year. In 2015 I read ten classics whereas in 2016 it was only four, therefore this year I'm going to try and pick up one classic a month.

I'm a little sad that I read less five star books last year than in 2015, but perhaps I've just become a bit more discerning with my ratings. Interestingly I read the same amount of two and three star books in 2015 and 2016.

Although I did read more diversely in terms of authors' nationalities (10 different countries instead of five), I still read mostly US and UK authors - this is something I'm keen to work on.

I found it really interesting to compare my reading statistics across two years and it's definitely something I'm going to keep doing! I've once again incorporated a tracker for reading into my 2017 bullet journal (which I'll have a post about up soon!). As I said in last year's post, these statistics probably aren't interesting to anyone but me but I thought I'd share them anyway. I'd love to know if you track any statistics about your reading and how you do so!

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