Monday 27 July 2015


If you've been following my Instagram account then you'll know that I've been posting every single day this month. Although there is the usual sprinkle of food and lifestyle pictures, I've mostly been posting bookish photos and have found myself becoming a part of the bookstagram community.

I've been aware of bookstagram for a while now, pretty much ever since I discovered booktube and started reading more book blogs. Most of the accounts I follow on Instagram are book accounts and I thought I'd share a few brilliant ones with you today. There are so many accounts that I love and I couldn't compile them all off the top of my head so I've listed below ten that sprang to mind as being particularly lovely.

I hope you go and check them out and discover some beautiful new feeds to follow :)

Don't forget to go and follow me on instagram @sarahschapter to keep up with what I'm doing and reading, I'll be posting every day this month and hopefully next month too!

1 comment

  1. I didn't even know this was a thing! Excited to check it out though



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