Wednesday 21 October 2015 / Books, Top Five Wednesdays
Welcome back to Top Five Wednesday! Top Five Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Lainey over at GingerReadsLainey and you can check out the complete list of Wednesday-ers here. This week's topic is 'top authors you've discovered this year'. I haven't done one of these in a while and they're one of my favourite memes to join in with as I love reading what other people chose for the topic!
For this topic I had a look back at all the books I've read this year on my Goodreads 'read' list and found out that although I have read quite a few new authors, I haven't really read multiple books by them so I can't for sure say that they're some of my favourite authors! So I just decided to choose some of the authors who I read for the first time this year whose books I enjoyed the most, even if it was just one book. So here we are, in no particular order:
01. Sarah J. Maas.
After all the Sarah J. Maas hype that's been buzzing around the book community for the past couple of years I finally gave in to the hype and decided to read Throne of Glass, and boy am I glad I did. I loved Maas' writing so much from the very first few pages that I hadn't even got half way through ToG before ordering the next two books in the series. Her writing is fast-paced and exciting and her characterisation in the ToG series so far is really strong. I love the world that she's created and I know I'll want to keep coming back to it. I've now read Crown of Midnight too and I know I'll be finishing up with the series and probably reading A Court of Thorns and Roses and anything else she puts out.
02. John Burnside.
I've talked about The Dumb House quite a lot on this blog already so I don't think I really need to go on about it again, except to say that it was truly excellent and it hooked me so much that I'm determined to read more Burnside. This is an example of why I'm so glad to be in the book community because without the buzz that went around about The Dumb House in the summer then I might not have ever discovered John Burnside.
03. Leigh Bardugo.
This pick is similar to Sarah J. Maas in that I put off picking up the much-hyped Grisha trilogy for so long until I finally gave in at the beginning of the year and I wasn't disappointed. Again, I love Leigh Bardugo's writing, particularly the descrptive elements that really draw you in to the world that she's created. I think the world-building in the Grisha series is pretty excellent and I can't wait to get back in to it by finishing the series and then getting in to Six of Crows.
04. John Wyndham.
John Wyndham was an author that I'd been aware of for a long time but never read anything by. I was encouraged to get hold of The Day of the Triffids by watching Jean's videos, as she's a Wyndham fan and I finally got around to it earlier this year. Despite not having read much science fiction, I absolutely loved The Day of the Triffids and I have since picked up a few more Wyndham books and am planning to get to them soon. If you're looking to get in to science fiction then Wyndham is a pretty good way to start.
05. Michael Crichton.
Having loved the Jurassic Park films since I was younger, I was always aware that they were books first but I hadn't even been inclined to pick them up, until earlier this year when Jurassic World came out. I loved the film and for the first time, I decided to find out where this all started by picking up Michael Crichton's Jurassic Park. I was pleasantly surprised to find that I loved the book, and would even say that it's better than the film. If you liked the films but want more science, more action, more dinosaurs, more character development - just more everything - then definitely pick up the book. I'm definitely looking forward to reading The Lost World and will probably pick up some more of Crichton's books in the future.
So those are the top five authors that I discovered this year! It was really fun to go back and look at the authors that I've read this year and see how many new author's I'd actually discovered. I was pleased to find that although I do read a lot of old favourites, *cough* Patrick Ness *cough*, I'm also pretty good at expanding my horizons with new authors.
Have you discovered any new authors this year?
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